International Trade

DLJ Logistics provides international trade services to importers from a variety of countries. The company provides full support all the way, starting from the idea of the client all the way to goods arriving at their destination.
The vast experience of DLJ Logistics in the field of international trade is reflected in the extensive network of connections it has created over the years, such as overseas agents, connections with factories that produce products of various quality levels and manufacturers specializing in the development of products from the prototype stage. The goal is to build a plan that will allow every importer to produce efficient and cost-effective business strategies.
International trade service includes the following:

A little about the world of international trade
As we know, world trade grows every year thanks to the advanced communication capabilities, the developing technology, the shipping options, including the possibility of transporting huge containers by sea. All of these allow importers around the world to import goods in large volumes and even produce private label products (manufacturing on demand) in factories overseas and enjoy very favorable rates and survive in such a competitive market.
Currently import processes are common in the following countries:

Import from China
As we know, China is considered an import powerhouse, with a wide variety of factories and suppliers of different quality levels. The attractive costs, the wide variety of products, the good communication with the manufacturers, the large distribution centers, etc., make the process of importing from China very worthwhile and convenient for Israeli importers. However, importing from China is a process that should not be taken lightly and every step must be carefully planned in order to benefit from favorable rates.

Import from Turkey
Like China, Turkey is also considered an import power, but its prominent advantage is its geographical proximity to Israel, which allows importers to receive the goods faster than other countries. In addition, the high quality of the products also makes it a popular destination for imports, as well as the large range of products, the unique production on demand, the absence of the need to pay customs and more.