Logistics Consulting

DLJ Logistics specializes in international shipping and offers importers logistics consulting services. The service makes it possible to examine the viability before importing the products and later to plan the supply chain in advance. During the consulting process, the company’s team will offer creative solutions to significantly shorten times and save costs.

just before importing or exporting goods, there are quite a few critical questions that must be answered professionally. starting with regulatory processes, transportation costs, tax payments, supply chain processes, and more. Naturally, this is a very complex field that requires a lot of knowledge in everything related to taxation and in general all the costs involved in the process, and there are quite a few.

Incorrect planning and failure to take into account various costs and regulations may lead to losses. For example, the shipping method that is suitable for the nature of the imported products must be selected, approvals must be obtained from various bodies such as the Ministry of Health, sometimes the goods must be imported under certain conditions and so on. All of these elements must be taken into account before setting out.

The team at DLJ Logistics is here to get you started on the right foot and ensure no mistakes that will cause financial losses. With comprehensive planning of all costs and transportation processes - you can optimize the supply chain and improve customer service!

What can we provide for you?

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