Storage and inventory management services

DLJ Logistics strives to provide the customer with a complete service envelope in regards to international shipping, and works in cooperation with storage companies so that customers can store the goods whenever needed. In addition, the company provides inventory management services through a dedicated and smart API interface system for a variety of inventory management systems.

Storage and inventory management services allow any organization to focus on the organizational processes and the heart of their activity, without having to deal with inventory management and storage. The services are provided in diverse and flexible models, while meeting high standards at an international level, so you can be sure that you will receive the best.

Storage at the highest standards!

The cooperation of the DLJ company is the most successful, when the storage company owns very large areas close to central axes, where the goods are safely stored for as long as you want. The logistics center operates in diverse models, a sign of compliance with high standards without compromise.

Professional and smart inventory management

The DLJ company works with a smart and advanced inventory management system in the field, in order to provide customers with high comfort and a wide variety of options and features for optimization, improvement and financial savings when storing goods. The system allows you to receive a lot of information such as issuing reports in different segments, calculating costs, optimizing the inventory and more. All these data help in making important decisions.

Also, our company provides ground transportation services to all regions of the country, the storage warehouses are located in strategic areas in front of major traffic routes.

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